Mission 8-14


Mission Objectives:
A: Infiltrate facility - do not arouse suspicion.
B: Christmas must survive.
C: Avoid innocent casualties.
*D: Pick up locator card.
*E: Escape from blast pit.


When the level begins, you'll be talking to a Kazakh soldier. Thinking you're Arkhov, he sends you to find the commanding officer, Akakievich. This gentlemen is just over his right shoulder. Head up to him and chat. When he asks you for your papers, equip the Transport Documents from the Gadget menu and flash your credentials. When he sees you're legit, he'll tell you to seek the physicist, Christmas Jones. Turn around and head to the opposite side of camp. Back behind the tents here, you will meet your eventual lover Christmas Jones (Isn't every woman an eventual lover in the Bond multiverse?). Show her the same papers you showed Akakievich, and she'll direct you to go to the elevator. Head into only door here and wait for Christmas. When she appears, you'll take the elevator down and have a nice chat about dialects, alma maters and explosives.

When the elevator reaches the ground floor, head through the tunnel straight ahead. When you come to the solid door ahead, head slightly left. Press B in front of the control panel here to open the door. Head through, staying to the right as the room divides. Follow the white-suited scientist into the right tunnel. In the next room, open the large door again (with the computer panel to the right) and step through to trigger a cutscene and complete Objective A.

You have confronted Renard. The game is over, right? Nope. Christmas Jones comes in and busts up the party, setting Renard free and opening a path for his henchmen to take over. Christmas and Bond fall into a blast pit and all hell breaks out above. Two objectives are added at this time. Now the thing is to get out of the pit under heavy fire. To do this, equip the Grapple function on your wristwatch and look ceilingward. Zoom in to see the grapple point, then shoot the cable up and follow it out of the pit.

Tip: You may want to eliminate some of the baddies from below before heading up the rope.

Once up top, make your way to the tunnel that Dr. Jones is cowering near. Using the wall supports as cover, eliminate the blue-suited terrorist entrenched in the tunnel. You'll have to move to get a good shot, as a large cart is blocking the path. When you drop the first round of attackers, get behind the cart and push it forward. More bad guys will come out of the woodwork. Duck into the alcoves to the right or left and pop the enemies until they drop.

Push the cart forward slightly until you reach a room off of the track to the right. Stay in the doorway (out of sight of the terrorist inside) and line up a shot on one of the computer monitors within. Pop a single round into it to explode the screen and send the baddie to his death. When he drops, head inside the room and collect the Locator Card he has dropped, completing the objective.

Return to the track and push the cart forward, killing the terrorist at the far end of the passage. As you push the cart forward further, it will become lodged in the large iron doors. Hop on to it and over, dropping the terrorists that rush you. At the end of the hall, two more await. Use the wall supports as cover as you drop these two.

Now move forward to the metal cage that Renard is in. After a short conversation, he will set off a bomb. You'll have about seven seconds to get out of Dodge. Turn around and head back down the tunnel.

Tip: You may want to get a jump on this by quickly walking to the door, triggering the cutscene, then turning around and heading toward the tunnel while Renard says his piece.

Remember the movie? Your goal is the yellow and black striped bar close to the near end of the tunnel. As you reach it, jump up to grab the bar. Once you do, a short cutscene will ensue, showing the explosion as it thrusts through the passage. When you land on the opposite side of the blast doors, you'll find yourself in the blast pit room once again. There are three soldiers here, on the far side of the room. Sidle up to the iron pole that juts from the pit and, using this as cover, take them down with the Wolfram.

Then move to the mouth of the tunnel to the left. Climb the walkway on the right side of this tunnel, and take down the four guards in this room. They will duck behind barrels and crates. Pop them as they appear. Use the barrels on the right side of the walkway as cover, shooting those on the left side of the room first and moving right. When everyone falls, hop down into the room. Collect the ammo, then move to the right tunnel. As this opens into the next room, follow the path to the left. Using the jutting wall supports as cover, take down the terrorists at the far end of the room ahead. When the room is clear move ahead into the elevator. Christmas Jones is waiting. Level over.

City of Walkways 1

Mission Objectives:
A: Locate Zukovsky.
B: Keep Christmas Jones alive.
C: Do not eliminate your allies.
*D: Keep Zukovsky alive.
*E: Retrieve computer files from fishery office.

When the level begins, you find yourself alongside a pretty sweet BMW in the docks surrounding Zukovsky's caviar packing facility. Move forward across the pier to the ramp that leads up the side of the warehouse ahead. At the top, enter the door and head around the railing here to the door next to the large windows. Shoot the lock off of the door and enter Zukovsky's office. Here, a short cutscene will play, introducing Zukovsky and his henchmen. As you're talking, terrorists downstairs bust up the party. You're going to have a lot of killing to do, but be sure you do not shoot any of Zukovsky's men (they're the ones who look like Miami drug dealers).

When the cutscene ends, two objectives will be added: D) Keep Zukovsky alive and E) Retrieve computer files from fishery office. Head forward to the doorway. Turn left, then strafe right so you are facing down the ramp here. Blast the thuigs at the base of the ramp, shrinking back to use the floor as cover when necessary. When they fall, head down the ramp. Move freely around the corner and through the next room, past the forklift to the next door.

Equip your Night Vision here and open the door. Equip the Soviet KA-57. From the doorway, nail the two guards who are firing on you from the left of the dock. Move forward to the small ramp with crates on top of it. This will provide cover as you focus your fire on the raised platform in the distance. Kill the two guards here, then turn off the goggles and head up the ramps.

On the wall of the warehouse, you will notice a gray switch next to a large, roll-up door. Pull the lever to open it. In the doorway, face right and strafe slightly to the left. There are two more terrorists at the end of the hallway to the right. Pick them off with the KA-57, using the crates to the right as cover. A third guard waits just behind the crates. Kill him, then collect the ammo that lies strewn around the area.

Reload your weapon, then walk forward and pull the lever to bring the elevator down. It will arrive with a host of thugs, so retreat back behind the boxes on the left side of the corridor for cover. As the guards come to your level, hose them down with the KA or Meyer TMP. Then move to the eleavator and ride it up. Two guards wait around the corner to the right. Strafe out to shoot them, then duck to the right for cover. When they die, move forward and claim their ammo, then open the door to the right.

There are five terrorists waiting in this room. Spray the first two, then edge around the door and mop up the rest. You'll want to use a high-powered weapon with a big clip. After the baddies drop, move through the room and open the next door. You'll find yourself in an empty room with a conveyor belt around its perimeter. Move to the right until you reach a railing. From here, you'll be able to see down into the room below. There are several baddies stationed there. Pick off the three you can see from here, then leap over the right side of the railing to the room below. Immediately in front of you is a guard. Pump him full of Wolfram ammo. Move past the switch on the right wall here and carefully turn the corner. Strafe left until you see the edge of the next terrorist. This guy's dangerous: he's packing a GL 40. Drop him, then head around the corner and mow down the guard in the distance. Return to the room with the switch and collect all of the ammo. Then flick the lever to open the door in the next room.

Head back down the crate hallway and to the open storage room. The corrugated door will now be raised. Flick on the Night Vision and exit the building, heading right on the docks. The first priority is to kill the terrorist a level down from you to the right. He's holding a GL 40, and you don't want to get too close.

After you drop him, continue right, following the path to a small open air structure over the end of the pier. There is another guard stationed here. Kill him, then look down to the water below and to the right. A boat is moored to the dock here. Using the KA, pick off the pair of frogmen standing there. Then flip the lever here, lowering the far drawbridge.

Exit this structure and head right. Bullets will likely be zipping by you at this point. If you keep moving, you won't sustain much damage. Follow the path forward until you reach an up ramp. At the top, you'll find yourself facing a wall of crates. Below and ahead of you is a thug with a rocket launcher. Stay behind the crates as you equip your GL 40. When its loaded, strafe to the right and shoot an arching blast toward the terrorist. Be prepared to strafe back to dodge a rocket attack. When you are sure this dangerous individual has been neutralized, head down the ramp behind you. Be sure to grab the dropped ammo from the dead frogmen on the dock, then proceed ahead and up the ramp on the opposite side.

Here, the path leads over the extended drawbridge. There are two terrorists to worry about here. One is camped out on the left side of the path, using stacked crates as cover. The other is on a side dock with another rocket launcher. Keep to the left side of the path and charge ahead, strafing slightly left and right to avoid his gunfire. As soon as he falls, swing to the right and concentrate your fire on the rocket launcher. The KA-57 works well for dropping this guy.

Tip: Although Night Vision might seem like the thing to use here, it actually makes picking up rocket blasts hard to see. Try to stick with the naked eye in this case.

You think your worries are over? Not yet. Ahead, on a ramp next to the dock building is another rocket launcher-toting baddie. Strafe to avoid the rocket attacks as you approach. As before, use the KA or Meyer to take him down quickly. Now turn around and head forward, taking a right around the corner of the building. On the far dock is yet another rocket launcher. Drop this guy with the KA and continue, taking a right up the ramp into the building. Here, you'll encounter more of Zukovsky's guards. Be sure you don't kill them, or all your work will be in vain.

Just past the guards is a ramp. Move up it and into the open room. There are a pair of terrorists here: one on a central walkway and a second further to the left. Kill them, using the support columns as cover. Then, cautiously move into the room. Notice how the ceiling above is open? There is a guard on the side nearest you who is carrying a GL 40. Edge carefully to the right or left side of the railing that circles the overlook, keeping your eye trained on the railing above. As soon as you see a sliver of the guard patrolling above, blast him. You can't afford to eat a grenade at this point. When you're sure he's dead, move to the far end of the room and take the ramp up.

When you reach the next level, take a right around the stack of crates and move forward. Just to the right of a shelf set is a window. Inside, you'll see two guards. Ambush them before they see you. Then head across the walkway to the right and follow the path around to the office you found them in. Around the next corner to the right is another terrorist. Kill him, then proceed forward to the computer terminal. Equip your Covert Modem and use it on the computer. This will fulfill Objective E.

Move to the next room and climb down the ladder here, back to the docks. Around the corner of the building to the left is an unsuspecting guard. Pop him and continue across to the next walkway (forward and slightly to the right) to end the level.

City of Walkways 2

Mission Objectives: Mission Overview:
A: Return to Zukovsky.
B: Collect equipment from Zukovsky's car.
C: Do not eliminate your allies.
*D: Destroy the attck helicopter.

The key to this level is to always keep moving. In addition to the helicopters equipped with massive saws, there are is a gunship lurking around as well. You begin in a large warehouse, which one of the saw copters unceremoniously hacks apart. Turn around and grab the stash behind you: a Soviet KA-57, Body Armor, a Sticky Grenade and some ammo. Turn around and head to the far right corner and exit this building. Ahead is a raised drawbridge. Duck into the structure on the left of the path to lower the bridge, then, sticking to the right side of the path, cross the lowering bridge. As you do, a sawblade will rip through the planks. If you stay far to the right, you'll be fine. However, as you reach the end of the bridge, you'll have a pair of baddies to contend with. Mow them down with the KA-57 and proceed into the warehouse ahead.

Move down the corridor filled with crates. Around the corner, a firefight is raging. Zukovsky's men are engaging the terrorists. Peek around the corner. In a room overlooking the warehouse is a terrorist sporting a grenade launcher. Pick him off from the cover of these crates, then move forward and pick off any remaining scraps. Move to the far right corner of the room. Here you'll find a ramp leading into the office above. Don't race willy-nilly up it. Instead, creep until you see the baddie stationed at the top of the ramp. Pop him with the Wolfram, then move up and clear out the other baddie (to the right as you climb the ramp). Alone in the office, grab the GL 40 next to the computer, then circle the room, pikcing the ammo stashed in its corners. On the opposite side of the large flat of boxes is another ramp that leads to the exit. Before you leave the warehouse, take down the two enemies who hop over the crates near the exit.

As you exit the building, you'll see a walkway straight ahead. Two choppers fly by and cut it in pieces. Disregard the crossfire here and book to the walkway. When you reach the next segment it will sway and wobble. As the sections of the catwalk line up, run across and down the other side, entering the warehouse ahead. If you fall off, make your way around the drums of caviar. There is a ladder down here that leads back up to the pier.

As you enter Storage Warehouse I, you'll run across more of Zukovsky's men. Run past them around the corner. To the right is an open area with several terrorists. Run past that and seek cover behind the corrugated wall here. Around the corner to the left, you'll encounter two terrorists: one in the small storage shed to the left and a second clinging to the right wall. Kill them, then head inside the shed to grab a bunch of 7.62 ammo. Exit and turn to the left. In an alcove to the right is another Body Armor. Grab it and head down the path. Cling to the right wall and peek around the corner. You'll see the exit doors here, but they are guarded by a pair of terrorists. Drop them, using the corner as cover, then move to the door and exit.

Head through the short hallway here and exit on to the docks again. Head across the short pier to the large, open door of a boathouse. Pause behind the wall here. There is a large gunship to your left that will rain fire on you if you show your face around the corner. Listen to the sounds of its fire. When you can no longer hear the chopper blades, step around the corner to the right. Past the open doorway here are some goodies: a Sticky Grenade to the right, and (if you didn't already pick it up in the warehouse) another Body Armor.

After the chopper leaves, turn around and head through this building, rounding the corner to the right to find more piers. There are three walkways here, and, as you might have guessed, they are being hacked apart by the buzzsaw choppers. Take a right, ignoring the fire you're drawing. When you get to the rightmost catwalk, head over it. Make sure you don't get in the way of the sawblade that rips through the wood in front of you (and explodes several barrels). After the chopper passes, focus your fire on the terrorist on the other half of the walkway. He's holding a rocket launcher, so the sooner you drop him, the better. When he falls, leap to the severed section of the walkway ahead and continue down and across to the next warehouse.

Once inside, follow the path until you reach a T-intersection. Turn to the right, facing the wall. Strafe left into the passage, popping a shot into the explosive barrel on the right side of the path. This will take down the terrorists camped out here. Now head diagonally forward to the flat pallete on the floor. Turn around and look down the alley to the right. Blast the barrels here to kill the terrorists here. Move forward into this path. Near the end, line up a shot and drop the terrorist in front of you. Then move forward a bit more, pivot left and kill the gray-shirt around the corner. Move to the doorway ahead and through.

After a short hallway, you'll exit back to the piers. Follow the long dock here around to the left. There's a gunship ahead that's laying down some grief. Dodge its rockets and the fire from terrorists stationed on the platform. Be sure as you charge down this long walkway that you do not kill Zukovsky's guards who wait at the end of the pier.

When you reach the platform, head up, killing as many of the terrorists as you can. They are stationed in small groups of crates here. You'll also have to deal with the gunship, which continues to pepper you with lead as you dance around the platform. Your goal is to head to the center of the platform and go down the ramp here. Below, you'll find plenty of goodness. Zukovsky's car is here, and it contains the almighty AT 20 SENTINEL, a four-chamber missile launcher which will be integral in taking down the warbird. In addition, scattered about the dock here are several boxes of shells, as well as another Body Armor. At this time, a new objective appears: Destroy the attack helicopter.

Grab the gear and head back upstairs. Now it's time to take down the gunship. Equip your SENTINEL and let's rock. Keep the primary function of the weapon. Depress the right shoulder button to make the crosshairs bigger. Keep these on the helicopter even after you fire. Your missiles are guided in flight by the laser that emits from the barrel. Keep pounding the helicpoter until it falls from the sky. It will take about five missile hits to waste it. This isn't easy, and ammo is easy to run out of. If this happens, return to Zurovsky's car to grab more missiles.

Once the gunship goes down, head downstairs and cross the lowered drawbridge. As you near the end, drop the two terrorists guarding the entrance to the next building. Then head inside and talk to Zurovsky, ending the level.

Mission Objectives:
A: Pursue Bullion - don't let him get away.
B: Rescue the hostages.
C: Christmas must survive.
D: Avoid innocent casualties.


This mission is a battle through the streets and buildings of Istanbul. You begin on an abandoned block. Head forward and scoot around the corner to the right. Mount the scaffold ahead and follow it around to the left. At the end you'll find a Wolfram P2K. Grab it and drop to the street below. Now turn around and head toward the archway in the distance. As you near the duo of cars parked in the road, a pair of thugs will charge you. Take cover in the area just to the right of the arch. As the baddies come toward you, waste them with the Wolfram. Step forward into the tunnel to finish the job, making sure you pick up the Magnums they drop.

Note: Do not try to use the cars here as cover. If they catch a stray round, they will explode, seriously depleting your health.

Then make a beeline for the yellow building to the left. Get behind the corner here for cover, then look ahead and to the right. There are a pair of terrorists crouching behind a low wall in the distance. Equip the Magnum and use its zoom function to draw a bead on each enemy. Plug them and move forward to the wall they were crouching behind. From this corner, look diagonally to the right. Make sure you are out of sight of the group of terrorists on this next block. See the car across the street? Pop a couple rounds in it and the auto will explode, killing those standing on the street.

Move around the low wall into the street, wary of any guards who may have dodged the blast. Pass the car and loop around the left corner. Here, you'll find a bunch of civilians crouching in terror. Cowards. Move forward to the next building corner. Face down the next path and slowly strafe left until you see another guard. Drop him with the Magnum, then prepare for another to dart from behind the stack of boxes on the right side of the path. When you've dealt with this dude, move forward down the path. There is another guard crouching behind a yellow planter. Blast him with the Magnum and move forward. As you pass a pair of archways in the right building, hostages will run out, pursued by their captors. Pick off the guys dressed in black to save the hostages. Keep pushing forward. As you reach a door in the left building, a woman in a towel will come screaming out of the bathhouse. Pick off the surly character she's running from and head inside.

Move up the stairs. In the doorway at the top, you'll see a distant terrorist dressed in blue. Zoom in and kill him with the Magnum. Then swing around left and bolt into the room. In the corner is another hostage being held by a pair of terrorists. Blast the one to the left, then kill the one to the right. One round from the Magnum should be sufficient for each.

Then turn around and back into the corner, below the walkway. In the far corner of the upstairs walkway is another baddie. Zoom and drop him, then spin to the left and pick off the baddie in the left corner. Finally, spin right and back up to waste the hombre just above you. Remember, you can use the walkway as cover. If things are getting too heavy, back up and breathe a second before jumping willy nilly into the fray. When all of the upstairs jokers have fallen, move diagonally across the room to snag the Body Armor.

Then, spin around and head out of the doorway on the oppsoite side of the room. Head through the arched doorway here and turn left, popping the unsuspecting guard at the top of the stairs. Climb the stairs to the walkway, turning left as you exit and following the path to the next door. As you approach, you'll see Bullion running ahead of you.

Move through the arched doorway and cruise up the stairs. At the top, take a left and follow the path to an open doorway. There is a gunman waiting across the roof. Zoom and boom with the Magnum. Move around the building, following the low white railing that borders the roof to the left. Eventually, the railing will give way. Take a few steps back, get a running start, and leap across the gap between buildings. When you land, head to the right around the small building here. As a guard charges around, line up a shot and nail him. Continue around the building to claim a Stun Grenade. Then exit and turn right, heading down the long ramp ahead.

At the end of the ramp, peer around the corner. There is a civilian cowering near the wall, a baddie in the courtyard, and one more peeking out of the window of a building across the way. Use the wall as cover and strafe, popping the criminals. Head over to the white ledge and hop up on it. Then leap across to the next building. As you enter, a hostage runs from one doorway to the other. Move straight ahead. At the doorway, turn right, then strafe left into the corridor, shooting the terrorist behind the overturned table. The end of this hallway is blocked off, so duck into the room to the right.

You're met at the door by a terrorist. Drop him, then move into the room, killing the baddies who are covered behind furniture. Move to the second room, heading through the arched doorway to the right. Follow the path ahead across the wooden planks to another rooftop. Take a hard right and blast the thuig who charges you. Then quickly climb the ladder to the next roof. As you weave through the laundry, two more terrorists will attack. Drop them and move across the planks to the next roof. When you arrive, run to the far left skylight, killing the only guard who stands in your path. Step through the vent here and drop to the balcony below.

When you land, head right through the archway here, then right again, killing the two guards surrounding the hostage here (he's dressed in white). Stepothrough the left doorway, running and gunning with a good short range weapon (the Magnum or Finessi). Take the steps at the end of the path down, then head straight forward and kill the terrorist who's holding a captive here. Again, the best tactic is to run straight at him, guns blazing. When this hostage is free, open the next door and prepare for a firefight. There is one hostage here and four guards. Hang at the doorway and pop the guard closest to him with the Mustang. The guards will then turn their fire on you. As they do, step into the room (past the running hostage) and blaze until they all drop. Then head forward to the double doors and go through.

When the doors open, blast the terrorist in front of you, then quickly spin. There is another guard here holding yet another hostage (these guys don't mess around). Drop him with some heavy fire from the Mustang and head right through the double doors. Three thugs are lurking around the building here. Mow them down with the Ingalls, then make for the door in the far left corner (from where you entered). As you mount the staircase here, the level will end. Good work, 007.

Fallen Angel

Mission Objectives:
A: Open security door with scanned fingerprint from Bullion.
B: Rescue M at all costs.
C: Stop Elektra from warning Renard.
D: Do not eliminate your allies.


After a pretty severe falling out between Bond and Elektra, and the cold blooded murder of Zukovsky, you find yourself alone in the room with a corpse. Grab his Wolfram and head through the double doors into the dressing room. Equip the Stunner function on your watch and open the next door. This leads to a balcony outside. Turn right and zap the guard here, then punch him out to get his gun.

Head back into the room Zukovsky's in and go through the other door. This leads to a spiral staircase. Head up, passing a guard on the way up. At the top, turn and face the grated door ahead. From here, you'll see the back of a guard. Kill him with the Wolfram, then wait for his compadres to come to his aid. Mow them down as they appear in the doorway. From this same position, turn to the left. In the corner of the hallway here is a security camera. Shoot and destroy it. Then head forward into the office you just cleared. On a table in the far left corner of the room is an ID Scanner and some ammo. Through the opening above the table, slay the terrorists in the hallway. Exit through the door next to the extinguisher and move left. Here, you'll discover the door you'll eventually need to get through to reach the tower. First, however, you'll need to get Bullion's fingerprints.

Head back to the balcony where you punched out the guard. As you exit, move to the left. Look down into the courtyard below. Equip your MAR-4 and zoom it all the way in . Bullion is behind a small bunker on the left side of the dock. Snipe him, then kill the guard who is one level down from the balcony. When both of them drop, head to the dirt path that leads down from the balcony (right in front of the double doors).

The path leads into a concrete building. As you move into the first room, you'll hear the sounds of gunfire. Reload your weapon and pause before the door here. There are four guards beyond. A rapid weapon is the best choice here (the Deutsche M45 is a beaut). Open the door and take out one guard at a time, ducking for cover when you need to reload. When all of the baddies fall, move into the room. At the far end is an arched doorway. Another group of terrorists has taken over this corridor. Clean them out, then head to the end and grab the Body Armor.

Head back to the previous room and look down the ramp here. Snipe the terrorist camped out in the left corner (facing down the stairs), then move down the ramp. At the base of the stairs, turn around and strafe right, shooting the thug camped out behind the coil of wire to the left. The next door exits to the docks, where you'll find Bullion. Head forward toward the bunker he's lying behind. As you reach it, spin and waste the baddie sneaking up from behind. After he drops, turn your attention to Bullion. Equip the ID Scanner and point it at Bullion. Press Z to get a positive reading on his prints.

Now head back up the stairs. Drop the two terrorists at the top, then proceed back up to Elektra's pad. Head back through the security office until you reach the fingerprint-activated door. Take a moment to equip the Grapple function on your watch. Then pull out the ID Scanner and activate the door. Before you step into the next room, re-equip your Grapple. As you step into the next room, the door at the far end is sealed off and the room begins to fill with gas. However, in the center of the ceiling is a grapple point, which will take you up to the next level. Shoot your grapple up and climb the rope, then hop off as you reach the top. Take the ladder up to the next floor, then climb another to the tower. When you reach the top, duck down. There are three guards camped out in the hallway ahead. Quickly pop up, drop a thug, then duck again. Now strafe to the left and plug the baddie in the corner. The last is stationed near the door to the right. When he falls, head to the end of the hall and take a right into the cell block. M is in the last cell on the right. Before rescuing her, equip your watch with the Stunner function. Then shoot the lock off of the cell and step inside. This will trigger a short cutscene in which Elektra shows up and kidnaps M again. You are stripped of your weapons and left with Gabor. When the cutscene concludes, it's you and him. Use your Stunner watch to drop him, then snag his Wolfram and kill him.

As you exit the cell block, two more guards have gathered outside. Kill them with the Wolfram. If low on ammo, stun them and punch them out. Then head to the door across from the cells and follow the spiral stairs up. At the top of the stairs are a pair of flunky guards. Mow them down with the Mustang, then head through the door here. As you move through the next room, another cutscene will occur. Elektra is holding M hostage, and she is counting on your conscience to stay alive. When the cutscene conlcudes, fill Elektra full of lead. Objective complete, mission over.

A Sinking Feeling

Mission Objectives: :
A: Board submarine.
B: Locate and rescue Christmas unharmed.
C: Gain access to control room.
D: Avoid submarine crew casualties.
*E: Destroy steering controls.
*F: Escort Christmas to Mine Room.

To get through the first portion of this mission, you're going to need a big helping of stealth. Switch your Wolfram to Silenced right off the bat. There are several alarms positioned throughout the level, and if they're tripped, you're sunk. Move forward, keeping the large crates to your right. Round the corner, sticking near the crates as you spy on what's going on in the distance. There are three guards in this area. One camped out near the alarm, and two patrolling. The one on the left will walk towards you, then walk back toward the sub. The one on the right will disappear into the crates. When the left guard turns around, start heading toward the guard near the alarm. Line up a head shot and drop him, then turn right and head into the crates. One more right will pit you in front of the second guard. Another head shot, another body bag. Return to the area in front of the alarm. As the third guard strolls by, nail him in the gourd.

At this point, you should have a couple more guns. Select the Suisse SSR and strafe left around the brick column. There is a distant guard camped out on the walkway up to the sub. Zoom into his head and make him fall down. Then edge further left and drop the next guard down. Then creep forward, using the right wall as cover. Edge out until the next guard comes into view. Drop him with the Suisse, then edge further forward. The next guard is in front of another alarm. Make sure he doesn't see you and line up a head shot. Kill him, then cruise across the courtyard. Drop the final guard in the next area, then head right up the gangplank and to the sub.

Move to the central tower and climb up the backside ladder. Drop into the hole here, then head to the next ladder and mount it from the side, following it down into the sub. At the bottom of the ladder, you'll encounter a guard. Shoot him in the face. Then move to the small alarm panel (a red button on the wall) and use your Laser Watch to disable it.

Tip: Although you may be tempted to find Christmas now, it is best to wait until you've cleared the level of guards before escorting her to safety. If she gets shot as you move through the sub, the mission will be over.

Return to the hall with the ladder and head forward (away from the valve door) to the cross path ahead. Wait in the doorway here. There is a terrorist on patrol, and he will make a circuit right past this door. When he does, shoot him in the head. Then head to the right and use your laser on the alarm panel there. Directly across from the alarm is a gray door. Open it and kill the terrorist who is holding the blue-suited hostage. Then exit the room and turn left, opening the valve door here.

Note: If an alarm gets tripped, your mission will no longer end. You'll just have a lot more enemies to deal with. Needless to say, stealth is still important.

Blast the pair of guards who approach as you exit, then take a left at the next intersection, blasting any seamen in your way. Make your way to the far end of the passage, and head through the valve door immediately to your right. Head through this empty chamber to the gray door on the opposite side. Go through, then jog slightly to the left and go through the valve door here. As you enter, a guard will charge from the opposite door. Drop him, then prepare for a series of guards to pile out of the door to the right. Use the M8 POW90 to drop them. Then move into the room and clear out the rest. You've accessed the control room, fulfilling Objective C. As you do, another Objective will be added: Destroy steering controls. Before you do this, you'll have to find Christmas and escort her to safety.

Dr. Jones is in one of four possible locations. The first is here: Head back to where you dropped in. Move to the gray valve door and step through, then head to the end of the hall and equip your P2K. Step through the door to the left . Kill the terrorist here, and rescue his hostage: it will either be Christmas or one of the original sub crew members. If Christmas is here, go talk to her to fulfill Objective B. Whenever you do find her, you will be given another Objective: Escort Christmas to Mine Room. We'll get to that in a moment.

Note: Whenever you find Dr. Jones, make your way to the Mine Room. Don't bother risking her life checking the rest of the rooms.

Exit the first hostage room and head forward through the valve door. To the left is another gray door. Open it to find another hostage situation (and another possible Christmas appearance). If she's not here, head forward to the cross path. Take a right and follow the path around the corner. Just across from the alarm is another hostage room. If Christmas is not here, exit and head left. Head through the valve door and follow the path around the corner to the left. Move around the next corner (left again) and you'll see a gray door to the left. This is the last possible Christmas location. Rescue her here, then return to the control room door. Instead of going in, head past through the door ahead. There is one enemy waiting here. Blast him and move on, angling slightly to the right into a room with a hatch on the floor. Head down the ladder here (make sure Christmas is following). When she arrives below, Objective E will be complete.

Head back up the ladder and to the control room. Move to the back right corner of the room and go through the gray door here. Kill the guard here, shoot and destroy the control panel straight ahead. As you do this, the mission will be complete.


Mission Objectives:
A: Enter the reactor chamber.
B: Eliminate Renard.
C: Protect Christmas.
*D: Stop the meltdown.


The first portion of this level is vertical in nature, as you plunge through the chambers of the sub looking for Renard. It is easy to get lost in the water, and easy to drown. Keep an eye on your oxygen meter in the upper right corner of the screen. When it reaches 0, you'll begin to take damage. Don't let that happen. Another meter you should be aware of is the temperature gauge (located at the top/center of the screen). The temperature will rise toward inevitable meltdown, and you have to stop Renard before it does. When the gauge goes completely red, you fail. Simple as that.

From the starting point, walk forward and drop into the open hatch. You find yourself partially submerged. To swim, simply push in the direction you want to go. You don't have to "pump" the button, just hold it. You'll go much faster. When you splash down in the water, look straight ahead. Swim to the large valve here and turn it off (press B) to shut down the steam that is blasting into the far end of the room. When this has been accomplished, turn around and dive, aiming for the underwater opening in the wall ahead. Swim through, then grab a quick breath of air in the next room. When your oxygen meter is full, dive again, heading through the hatch below. When you reach the bottom, turn and face the next doorway. Swim through. Just as you pass the threshhold of this door, look down. Follow the hatch below.

Swim through the next tunnel until you reach a tunnel entrance ahead. Go through this to find yourself in a tunnel with hatches in the floor at either end. One is barred by bent pipes. In the center of the path is a M8 POW90. Grab it, then head to the other entrance and swim through. This will take you down to a wider, more squarish passage. Swim through the hatch in the center of the floor here. In the subsequent tunnel, you will see a ladder crossing the path. Swim past it through the hatch. Just after this doorway is an opening in what appears to be the floor. Swim through it to find an air pocket. Fill up on oxygen, but before exiting, be sure to grab the M8 POW90 from the floor.

Leave the chamber and head into the hatch in the floor. You'll find yourself in a room with a dead, floating seaman. Turn here to find a square door. Swim through and head right. At the end of the path is a hatch in the ceiling. Swim through it and continue up. When the path is intersected by another, turn right and follow it past one opening. Here, you'll see a larger hatch in the ceiling.

Head up through it and you will see the choppy surface of water high above. Swim like the dickens to get there. As you swim, equip the M8 POW90 you picked up in the tunnel. There's going to be a firefight the second you poke your dome out of the water. As soon as you surface, blaze Renard's men. and step up into the room. Grab their ammo, then head back past the opening you entered from. Here, you will find a Body Armor.

At this point, equip your Grapple Watch and look up. High overhead is a grapple point. Shoot a rope up and climb. As you go, make sure you have a full clip in your M8. The tunnel you're headed to is actually behind you (if you got on the rope facing the short end of the tunnel). Make sure you're pointed the right way as you climb, as you'll have a guard to kill the moment you get to the next level. The terrorist is stationed on the left side of the path. Blast him with the M8, then leap into the passage. Head forward under the collapsed door that blocks half of the tunnel. At the end of the corridor is a drop-off. If you get there, you've gone too far. Instead, look up just as you pass the white door. There is another grapple point here. Shoot a rope up, then climb up. Congratulations, you've accessed the reactor chamber, fulfilling Objective A. Your reward is to have another Objective added: D) Stop the meltdown.

To do this, look above. See Renard in the transparent tube? Directly below him is a large red button. Climb up onto the pipes and press the button. This will fulfill two Objectives: Stop the meltdown and Eliminate Renard. Once this is done, it's time to find Christmas and leave the sub.

Now it's grapple fest. Shoot a rope up to the next grapple point to get to the higher white platform here. A terrorist awaits you. After polishing him off, look up again. Aim for the grapple point on the ceiling through the hatch above. Leap off the rope up top and kill the baddie waiting just beyond the steam. Move to the end of the hall and look up. Kill the suspended terrorist, then use your Grapple watch to get to the next level. In the short passage here is another hatch on the ceiling. Shoot your grappling line up to the point and leap to the rope to end the mission and the game. Sit back and watch the final movie, Bond. You've earned it.

And thats the mission guide.